Thursday, September 3, 2009

My Top 5- the best books I've read

I truly believe that this post is a very good idea, still I don't feel comfortable writing it. It seems to me me that choosing only 5 books is some kind of betrayal with all the other books I've read LOL. Well, if you stop to think about it, I believe they'll get over it some day. I'm their owner, for God's sake, and I take really good care of them, so they can't complain. =)

My Top 5 will be out of order. If it is so difficult to choose 5 books, it's even more difficult to put them in order of preference. Here it goes:

Book 5- São Bernardo, Graciliano Ramos. I am this huuuuge fan of English Literature, but I believe that I must choose a Brazilian book for my top 5. Since Memórias Póstumas has already been listed here in the blog, I'll go with São Bernardo. I read this book during my second year at college. I was taking Literatura Brasileira with one of the best professors I've had and I actually loved this story. For those who don't know it, it tells the story of a farmer called Paulo Honório who is married to Madalena, a teacher. He has a very big farm (which he got by questionable means), he has money, he likes Madalena...but he doesn't have something she has- literacy. So we have here a polemic relationship of power: Who can dominate more? Madalena with her words or Paulo Honório the one that thinks that material possessions are everything?

Book 4 - A menina que roubava livros When I first heard of this book I couldn't imagine it would add so many important things to my life. This book tells the story of Liesel, a German girl living in the period of the Second World War, a moment in which people didn't have anything, not even hope. But Liesel had something that was extremely valuable: books. If you're still not convinced of reading this book, I'll tell one of the most peculiar aspects of it: In a time where death was everywhere, the narrator of this story is the Death itself.

Book 3 - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix It's basicaly impossible to choose only one of the Harry Potter's books. I really love them all, but if I had to choose one, it would be The Order of The Phoenix. This book shows an important moment of transition. Harry is not a child anymore. The school is not the same. Voldemort is back. And Harry has (actually, Harry and I have) to deal with the loss of a loving character for the first time. This book divides Harry's life, now he is ready to fight.

Book 2- Rachel's Holiday Marian Keyes is a great writer. She writes books about women that really could be part of our circle of friends. Rachel's Holiday tells the story of Rachel, an addict to drugs and alchool who, after almost dying, goes to rehab. I don't know if this is my favorite book written by Marian, but I've chosen it since it is the first that really made me a fan of hers.

Book 1 - Wuthering Heights This is one of those books you read and you can't simply imagine why everything is happening the way it's happening. Heathcliff and Kathy are the characters of one of the most troubled love stories I've read. I am not sure if it's actually love, I would say it's more an obsessive relationship. It is also very good since it tells the story through the eyes of the maid, therefore we have a neutral point of view in which we can trust.
Great story. Great characters. Great lines. Great ending. I love it.

All right guys, this is my top 5 =) so difficult to choose, but here it is =)

By Carolina Colaneri, CPE 3, evenings.

1 comment:

  1. Hi honey,

    I have only read one of the books on your list ("Harry Potter"), and you have made me want to read all of them! And I will...

    Thanks for that!

