Thursday, September 10, 2009

Living more healthily

In this junk food age you have to be more careful about what you eat than you think. My theory is based on the change of scenario that we face nowadays. In my opinion, there are two things that can be considered the biggest villains: junk food and cars.

Starting with the first, junk food is completely harmful to you. Your body needs a daily amount of different substances in order for it to work well, and guess how many of those junk food has? If you guessed none, then you are completely right! Junk food generally has oil and other substances full of fat. Therefore, they only provide fat to your body, making you sick (by not providing the substances it needs, such as proteins) and fat.

Since cars were made, traffic has got worse and worse. At the same level, it is the best source of stress, which makes your body sick and weak. In small cities where there isn’t much traffic, adults who work can generally go home to eat lunch and then they can eat more healthily; and those who work in bigger cities generally have to go to restaurants to eat.

While the first citizens can, in only 1 hour, go home, eat well and go back to work, as well as go fast to work as there isn’t much traffic so there isn’t the same level of stress as the second ones, the second can’t go home, generally eat worse and take hours to go from home to work and vice-versa.

In conclusion, in order for you to get a healthier body here are some tips:

* Try to eat as healthily as possible, always avoiding fried food and candies;

* Walk as much as you can leaving your car at home – this way you are doing good twice: to your body and to the environment;

* Don’t take too many hours between one meal and the other, have a little snack (fruit, for instance) that is delicious and nutritive – your body will appreciate and will respond in a good way;

* Find time to do what you like, whatever it is - so it can reduce your levels of stress;

* Don’t worry be happy – I know this isn’t new advice, but it is worth trying. I am sure you will not regret.

By Mariana Aith, CPE 3 - Evenings


  1. i would say that nowasays most people are unhrlthy, but the price you pay [by doing those tips] is nothing compared to the benefets you will receive. xoxo

  2. *nowadays
    omg, i got, 80% os the words wrong :P
    i must be reallyyyyyyyyyyy tired today...
