I wish I were more organized. God, sometimes I cannot even recognize myself, such a great mess is the one I'm living. I wish I could sleep 12 hours a day. Every day.
I wish I could feel more inspiration when writing something for the blog or a paper for college, for instance... I really love writing, but I have to muster all my strenght to write a simple paragraph.
I wish I had more time -- more available time in fact -- and then I would be able to do whatever I wanted. Reading, eating, sleeping, dancing, crying, laughing, watching, listening... It wouldn't really matter, since I'd have all the time in the world.
I wish I could meet all the people (writers, actors, singers) who have already meant something in my life. I wish I could visit New York and have the chance to visit Central Perk.
I wish I could talk to Leonardo Di Caprio and tell him I've already had a notebook with his picture on the cover.
I wish I had a good idea like JK Rowling had when she idealized Harry Potter or J.J. Abrams when he first started shooting Lost. I wish I had created Shrek. I wish I could give Tom Hanks a big hug and tell a joke to Jim Carrey and see if he thinks I'm funny. I wish I could avoid people from crying, especially the ones I truly love. I wish I could make everyone happy.
I wish I had danced like Olive did at the end of Little Miss Sunshine. I wish I were Little Mermaid.
I wish I could eat everything I want and not put on a single pound of weight. I wish I could be as smart as Bill Gates. And as rich as him as well.
I wish I could speak all the languages in the world, at least the eastern ones. Then, I wish I could teach all of them. I wish children would like reading since the very begining of their lives and adults would continue reading until the very end of their lives. I wish I had a library.
I wish I were part of some musical and then I would be able to bring some brightness to other people's lives. I wish I could sing and dance --I can live without acting =) . I wish I were Youtube's owner, or if you think I'm asking too much , I accept the idea of being Orkut's owner ;) - they are the same, aren't they?
I wish I had an infinite quantity of boxes of BIS. I wish everything would taste like watermelon. But everyting would smell like carrot and chocolate cake.
I wish I had a dog...
I know that all these wishes may not come true one day (possibly LOL), but it doesn't hurt to ask for all of them, right?
They are just wishes after all... and I wish, I wish, I wish.... ;)
By Carolina Colaneri -cpe evenings
ReplyDeleteWhat a truly inspired and inspiring post! We wish for so much, don't we? I will, right now anyway, wish for only one thing here in this comment:
I wish everybody would now, because of your post, feel inspired to write lovely posts like yours.