Thursday, September 10, 2009

Funny story...

I decided to tell you guys a very nice and funny story. It's that kind of thing that only teachers laugh about, and as we are part of this really selected group... Enjoy it!!!

A friend of mine was taking the Celta course. We worked at a school that paid it for us (I've got the cetificate as well). She was going berserk with the class preparations, assignments, tutors and, of course, students. I am not sure if you all know, but during the course we are supposed to teach and we are evaluated on that. And what's more, we have real students, so it's not that fake thing we usually face when we are in school trainings and we have to teach teachers where everybody pretends to be a student ans we pretend to be teaching.

So, she was teaching an Intermediate course and that day she had to talk about routine and favorite free time activities. She prepared the class, wrote the lesson plan, made dozens of paper slips and went to the course. There she was, all set to start the class, feeling nervous for obvious reasons but ready to face THE enemy.

She started the class, a great warmer to try to make the tutors go easier on her and to break the ice and then lead in, presentation. Finally, practice, "So, guys tell about yourself now", she started, "what are your favorite free time activities? What do you do to have fun? Do you go to the movies?"
She asked the questions indiviadually and then said "Bruno, what about you?", he said, "I titi bisni, I swimi atleti, I eventis". "Really????", "How interesting!", (that's so teacher-like), "but out of these 3 activities which one is your favorite?", "I titi bisni, I swimi atleti, I eventis".

She changed the question, mimed, tried to speak German, but he just kept saiyng the same incomprehensible sentence.There was nothing she could do. Speak Portuguese? No way!!! Change the subject? Not a good idea. She simply ignored the guy and tried to finish the class.

I was told this story and I share it with all the teachers I know. It's brillant, isn't it??

AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Later on, she managed to talk to him and find out what he meant:
he was an administration student, he had swimming classes and he was a waiter!

By Adriana Manzano, CPE 3, evenings.


  1. I love students' funny stories. As I told you two Fridays ago, a popular translation for "Eu como carne" used to be "I how meat" back where I worked a thousand years ago.

    I know we teachers aren't supposed to laugh, but... we're only human! LOL


  2. Here, a friend's true story:

    Student: Teacher, why every time you ask us if we understood, you say "I love you"?
    Teacher: I never say that!!!
    S: Yes, you do! You say "do you understand? I love you?
    T: "Thinking"...
    T: Oh!! I don't say "I love you" I just ask "do you understand? All of you?"
    S: Ah!!!


    Andre's story is the best auaheuhaehuaeuhahuuhaeuhaehuae

    Good post Adriana =D
