Sunday, August 23, 2009

The sound of music

When I talk to friends or students of mine about kinds of movies, they usually state that they love comedies, action movies, romances and mainly thrillers. Well, I guess I am not part of this great majority which insists on ignoring the existence of one of the most fascinating kinds of arts of all times- musicals.
It's been a long time since I started loving them. Some people don't accept the fact that before you can say "Bob's you uncle", in the middle of a regular scene, people just stop what they are doing and start singing and dancing together. I believe this is magical- and I wish real life could be exactly like that.

This afternoon, however, my real life got a bit of magic. I saw The sound of music at Sergio Cardoso Theater. If I could write down all the details and beauty of the show, I would. But the thing is, I can't. You must see it, to understand the feeling.

This is not the first musical I have the opportunity to see on stage. I've already seen My Fair Lady, Cats, West Side Story, The producers, The Phantom of the Opera, The beuaty and the beast and others. I reckon that each and every one of them has left something pretty special in my life, and I love all of them- one more than the others, that's true. But they all have a place in my heart.

The sound of music is no different. The production is absolutely perfect. The actors, the dance, the music, the sound of music...all of them were delightful. Incredible, actually. It's hard to believe that this kind of dream can come true right in front of your eyes.

The best part of it,however, it's the price.This is a popular season and I only paid 30 reais and I sat on the 5th line. I was almost on stage with the actors and I could see and enjoy all the details.

I truely reccomend. If you wish to have a magical afternoon, go for it!

PS: the children acting in the play are simple marvelous. And they make your ticket worth every cent that you've spent.

Carol Colaneri, CPE 3, evenings

August 25

Hi People, me again!
This is a video so that you can be more interested in watching this wonderful play
(this is my favorite part of the play)


  1. Carol, darling,

    I'll be honest and just say I can't stand musicals! Still, your post was so interesting it sort of made me want to go see "The Sound of Music", and I might actually do just that! :)

    Have a great week!

  2. Nice tip Carol,
    Now I have something really interesting to do with my family!!!
    My daughter will love it!!!
