Friday, August 28, 2009

The Haunted CPEer!

It’s been an incredibly busy and crazy week for me, as I’m quite sure it’s been for all. I have worked a lot and I must publicly confess that I’ve been haunted by the CPE post. I’m not kidding!:

All week long I could hear a voice whispering in my ear just before I fell asleep: “Post … post (echoing and fading away)”. Halloween is a bit distant in the calendar and I don’t believe in ghosts, however I’m 100% positively sure guilt exists and I do believe in guilt.

Feeling guilty can do wonders in one’s life …

As you are all witnessing now: My remorse is guiding my fingers while I’m typing and here I am presenting my post, sharing my anguish; but fulfilling my duty!

At least until next whisper... ops!, week.

By Eli Manzano


  1. Hello Eli!
    I know what you're feeling, I always have zero inspiration to write a post for the blog...
    but I thinki we're all doind just fine =)


    Carol-cpe evenings

  2. I Think**
    not I thinki ueheahuaehu
    doing** not doind

    oh God I cant type anymorehueahuhauhueahuea

  3. Hi Eli,

    I'm glad CPE's been haunting you! :) And I think you've been doing a great job so far. You've done all your homework, written two posts for the blog, come to every class... Keep it up!


  4. omg i loved your post... so funny and creative... just aewsome, thanks for sharing =)
