Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Good evening my dear friends =)

I've been thinking about what I could write here, but as it turns out, my inspiration has recently passed away... LOL I kept trying and trying and trying to choose a topic or an interesting expression to talk about....but what I got was NOTHING, ZERO, BLANK.
It was then I decided to talk about my lack of inspiration. Great idea, isn't it? =D

I know, in fact, that there are two missing things for me at the moment: inspiration and imagination. What I really don't know is why they are missing and where they have gone. Those two bitches!

I have a theory, though. I haven't done anything useful since June 2. Yeah, that's right. I haven't been to regular classes at college since June 2. Therefore, I have spent MUCH free time doing NOTHING. Therefore², I haven't used my mind in a proper way (not that I use it when I go to college LOL, it's just that there at least I come across different people and, you know, we talk =D. So, at least I can hear the news! )
Since June 2 I have spent all my days in front of the computer, surfing the net - usually doing NOTHING (God, sometimes I can be so repetitive...) - or watching Two and a half men. You know, watching all the time! LOL

Have you realized what's just happened? Do you know how we call this interesting phenomenon I've just described? I have been on vacation, guys! VACATION! It's kinda sad to think that I'm not on the beach sunbathing and buying coconut earrings ( I'm ignoring the fact that we've been freezing in S.P.)....
And I believe that this is exactly what my inspiration and my imagination have been doing- they must be hanging out at some spa, drinking watermelon juices and eating shrimps all day long.... Those two bicthes =DDD
And they have completely forgotten about me.

PS: (not I Love You- aaaaaaa I couldn't stop thinking about this book yet) Please forgive my mistakes - it's 20 to 2 a.m. LOL

By Carolina Colaneri, CPE 3, evenings.


  1. Carol, you are blaming your spare time when I wish I had tons of it. Unfair world!!!! hahahaha
    Your post reminds me of how badly I wanted to be faaaaaaaaaaaaaar from here, enjoying "vacation" or whatever!
    Guess I'm gonna have to wait a little while to get there!


  2. Hey Carol,

    Great post, dear! Way to go! If that's how you write when you're not inspired, I don't think there's anything to worry about when the time comes for the real thing! :)

