Friday, August 28, 2009

The odd one out

Since my first day at school I was considered “the odd one out”, I knew that I was different from the other students. I never thought they were wrong because it is completely normal for seven-year-old children to run, to play, and to talk to friends during the school break, but not for me. My favorite place to be during the break was the library, far away from them.

I didn´t want to be strange, but I was. There was nothing I could do about it. My opinion about the other kids was that they were savages (I´m sorry, as a kid I was really mean). I don´t need to say that my school years were hell. Anyway, it is not the main point here, and I got over it when I started college, because finally I met freak people like me. So, for the first time, after all the suffering, I was welcomed and that was a great feeling.

As time went by, I learnt how to organize my thoughts, ideas and studies. Actually, it was the process of growing up to become a mature person. Surprisingly, I found out that the most important characters of the human History were odd (some of them were actually crazy), and then I realized that it is ok to be different, as a matter of fact odd people are at least interesting and they have advantage over the “normal ones”, as they always think outside the box, which can be essential if you intend to be in the spotlight.

In contrast, the History shows that these “special people” were not exactly happy in their lives, most of them died alone and in poverty. Personally, I feel that they would never have changed their lives to be “happier” and with lots of friends, if they had had a chance. Their virtues and beliefs were more important than all the regular society values such as family and love. Overall, it doesn´t matter who was right at that time, but how the differences made everybody at least start questioning the rules, which is the only way to make societies change and develop.

I believe that there are some immortal people, they seem to be timeless and at the wrong time in History. Throughout my life, I have gotten so interested in some of them and this search has made part of it. If it is not too boring, I´d like to share my favorite ones with you. Even though maybe nobody will read this, I’ve at least written it, and that is enough for me. But before starting next week, I´d like to make you think a little bit about my first odd one out.

1. What would you give up to follow your passion?
2. Would you prefer to die or betray your beliefs?
3. How much do you really know?
4. What is exactly the teacher’s role?
5. Do you believe in an inner voice?

By Daiana Cabral, CPE 1, mornings.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daiana,

    This was a greatly interesting post! I hope we'll be seeing lots more from you here on the blog soon.

    As for being different from the "rest", that's how you stand out, isn't it? That's how one becomes truly relevant, and I hope I am different as well. :)

