It had been an uneventful day at work, and as he drove home at his usual leisurely pace, he thought about how much his life had changed after his divorce from his ten-year marriage to his high school sweetheart. He now had all the time in the world for his friends, for his gambling, for his numerous girlfriends. There was now more money at his disposal (she hadn't wanted anything from him, apart from distance), less stress, no more quarrels. He wasn't deliriously happy, at least not yet, but he was well on the way. "This is better", he told himself when pangs of solitude hit him every now and then. "This is much better".
Upon parking his shiny brand new blue SUV in his ample two-car driveway, he noticed with a bit of a shock the door to his house was slightly ajar. A split second later, however, it dawned on him it could only be Linda, his former wife, back for something she'd forgotten, like his wallet, for instance. Angrily he shot up the driveway towards the door, thinking that it was only fair he'd give her a piece of his mind, for it was not right for her to just pop up uninvitedly whenever she saw fit. Scarcely had he set foot in his house, though, when he realized he couldn't have been more wrong. "I've changed the locks", he finally realized, "and there is no way this coat on the table could ever be Linda's".
He thought for a moment about calling the police when a strange noise came from inside. He couldn't do anything but enter his living room from where some different light was coming from. He had no time to gaze at a thing. In the moment he stepped into the room, a person came behind him and blindfolded him while another one - whithout a word - tied his hands very tight.
The two people sat him on the couch and less than two minutes later - which were an eternity for him - he heard music! A calm and relaxing song was playing on his stereo. "Those guys gotta be kidding", he thought. With no time for another thought, he felt a hand on his tend. A soft touch made him think he was dreaming. It was a smooth skin and he could swear he'd never felt such a great perfume before.
The person took his blindfold off and then he was shocked. Two incredibly beautiful women, 'dressed to kill', sexy as the devil were in front of him dancing on his dining table to the very sensual music. He could see only a few parts of them because the light came just from two or three lit candles over the place. Immediately he imagined which friends of his could have prepared such a surprise like that and decided to enjoy it. His hands were not available, so it took him a long time to get up and reach the light switch. When he turned the lights on and turned around to face the girls on the table, he got really confused. They had simply disappeared!
For a moment, he thought he had gone completely insane, he couldn’t understand what that was all about. Speechless, he went outside again, checked for his car and as everything seemed to be alright with his car and in the street he locked the door and went back inside. He was perplexed about all the little details of what had just happened. How could that possibly have happened? As he got angry again from the scary experience, he tried to be rational about it all.
First, he tried calling a few of his friends just to talk and see if they could suggest anything useful information, but it was worthless. He tried to remember the girls’ faces and, cleverly, after a few minutes he remembered that back in college, many years earlier -- right before he’d started dating Linda – he’d had an affair with a girl called Ashley, and that she looked very much like the blond girl who’d recently disappeared, and her best friend used to be a brunette just like the other girl. “Is this possible? Ashley? But... how? Why?” He finally decided to see if he could reach his old “girlfriend” somehow, and called again his buddies to see if any of them had kept in touch with her after all these years. The first friend he called was Paul, as he was the one who had introduced them and had hooked them up all those years ago.
Paul had been a very loyal friend, but nobody had heard from him for a long time. When he first looked for his number in his datebook, he realized he only had Paul's number from the time he used to live with his parents. "That's a problem" , he thought. But he decided to give it a try,anyway. He started to dial the numbers and when he heard the other side of the line saying "Hello" he noticed something rather scary was happening once more- he couldn't speak.
Completely desperate, he kept opening his mouth and trying with all the strenght he could to pronounce a single sound, but it was completely impossible. He thought he was going crazy; no, actually he thought he was dreaming. Yeah, everything was nothing but a bad dream and he was going to wake up at any moment now. Come on, wake up. Wake Up! He couldn't believe this was happening to him. Shaking and crying, he ran to the bathroom to look some kind of medicine to help to recover his voice once again and he looked at his image reflected on the mirror- he had deep wounds around his mouth. They looked rotten and infected by some dangerous bacteria. Feeling completely frightened, he heard a noise and looked behind. And there was the blond girl again, staring at him. Holding a head on her hands. A head with rotten wounds around his mouth.
For one split second, he thought about his whole life, his childhood and how his parents used to tell him off when he behaved badly, the baseball team where he had played when he was at school and all those nice classmates he had. Then, he thought about his little child. Sophia was 7 years old and still not making sense of what happened to her father, why he had left home. She blamed him for being away from home while he reproached himself for not having prepared his innocent daughter for the separation. Now he had to something, he had so many things to do, he couldn’t die without telling his daughter what really happened.
"What is it that you want?" He asked the blond girl - silence - she kept staring at him. "I have the right to know, you psycho!" "Listen", she replied smilingly, "you have 7 hours to cure the rotten wounds on this head, 7 hours. You cannot leave the house and you cannot ask for help. If you break the rules, your own wounds will spread all over your body. Now, hold the head carefully." And she vanished.
Quite unexpectedly, he remembered the blond’s face, an ex two-timing bitch girlfriend of his from high school who fell in love with him just because he was the first one she'd had sex with. She used to give him hard times, a bossy, jealous, overprotective girl. Not surprisingly her ghost appeared for him, she left town right after they broke up and nobody ever knew her whereabouts. Anyway, from that point on, his life would never be the same again, he realized numbly. Pooped out from his nine-to-five job and disoriented, he just dozed off. After falling into the deep sleep of exhaustion, he got up at 7.