Monday, March 22, 2010

Shutter Island

Hi there, it's Mariana from the evening group, how are you?
Yesterday me and my boyfriend went to the movies to see The Shutter Island. In my opinion, it's one of the best movies I've ever seen! I highly recommend everyone to see it!
And today, after spending about 3 days with no reading (sorry Higor :P ), I just continued reading You've Been Warned, by James Patterson, and I'm loving every second of it. It's the first time in my life that I honestly say that would like to have more spare hours to read! It's amazing for me to say that because I've always been the type of girl who would read just the necessary and nothing more, and would rather watch the movie than read the book. I'm starting to think that books in English are contagious!
Hope you enjoyed my tips.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mari,

    That's great, honey. I haven't seen "Shutter Island" yet, but now I will. As for James Patterson's book, I'm glad you're enjoying it. It's high time you finished it, though. :)
